Turkish Health Care


Turkish Healthcare

Conveniently located in the heart of three continents, Türkiye is the rising star of international wellness and health industry, with her dynamic and skilled workforce, intensive investments, booming number of hospitals and medical institutions, and extensive healthcare services. Unsurprisingly, the medical product and pharmaceutical industries are both thriving to become the impeccable healthcare services provided to millions from all around the globe.

 Intensive R&D projects, cost benefits and good logistics all contribute to Türkiye’s innovative strengths and solid know-how to enable the best of medical and pharmaceutical products and technologies for the common good of mankind.

 About IKMIB

Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters' Association (IKMIB) takes active part in international organizations in order to sustain the professional ethics and cohesion of Turkish export companies in the chemicals industry, help increase Export levels, diversify export products, help increase products' competitivenes...

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