İkitelli OSB Demirciler San. Sit. B7 Blok No: 157, BAŞAKŞEHİR, İSTANBUL, TURKEY
Medikokim established in 1988 in Istanbul as a trading company. We started production of our first product in 1990. In this period we developed and expand our product range and specifications.
Today, with our modern technology and experienced staff Medikokim is manufacturing disposable products of our own portfolio both under our own brands and Private Label basis according to the international standards. All of our products are first manufactured in Turkey by Medikokim. Today Medikokim is a contributor to the economy and the health sector of the country. Products manufactured by Medikokim are used successfully in the counties in Europe, Middle East, Asia, North Africa, Central and South Africa and Central and South America in more than 28 countries besides Turkey.
İkitelli OSB Demirciler San. Sit. B7 Blok No: 157, BAŞAKŞEHİR, İSTANBUL, TURKEY